Working Mom.

Hey all, I'm sooo broke. Who cares right. I'm just here thinking of all the things I need and can't afford. Any way I don't want to rant, it could be a downward spiral.
I just had meeting which went very well, they signed off on a $5400 contract. Yipppeee!!!!
I anyone told me one day I'll be a sales oriented job, I'd probably laugh myself to death. Well ther has been alot of surprises in our lives, since the recession and so many jobs lost. To be honest we're probably in jobs that wouldn't be our first choice,but we all need to provide for ourselves, our children, our elderly parents. One of the reasons having a job is important for me is that it gives me some self worth and security. I'll never forget being at home with out a job, no kids, no husband it was a horrible time living off my mum, not that she minded. That time was vastly different from being a stay at home mom.

I felt honored to be able to take care of my kids and raise them. I wish I could be a stay at home mom once again.


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