Inspiration Boards 101.

Images via here.

What wonderful things inspiration boards are. These few images have inspired me greatly and I just had to share them with you. Do you have an inspiration board, wall or mobile???  I need to get started, what about you? But if you don't have one, consider working on starting one this weekend.  It could be antique pictures with a mix of modern, fashion, movies or beautiful pictures of loved ones and scenery, with scripture verses.  Also anything would be suitable, for example an old window, an antique mirror frame with a cork board inside and I'm thinking I'll use an old door. I guess it depends on how big or small you want to go.

So let your imagination roam free, I'm dying to hear from you as well as to what your ultimate moodboard will consist of.
I hope you all feel inspired already.
Now the only question is, where do we put it. Humphhh!

Much Love to all and have a creative weekend.



  1. I love these. I just need to have my inspiration in one spot. They're strewn all over the house:-). Love the music too. Happy weekend to you.

  2. I don't know what I would do without my inspiration boards! As a young girl I used my whole bedroom wall as one and plastered it from top to bottom with magazine editorials!

  3. I like the bird cage one, it's neat. My brain is already a clutter or ideas, the messy ones would do my head in for sure :D

    I keep all my ideas plastered in a notebook. It seems to work for me. I have sketches of dolls, clothes, handbags and jewelry inside. All of which I like to make :D

    Have a really cool weekend Lisa!

  4. You lucky girl! Tastees patties...My taste buds are yearning to taste one right now. Enjoy them! xo

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