attitude of gratitude

What I'm grateful for

 ...the strength I've found as a newly single mum, to care for my children and bond with them in ways I never thought possible.

...long walks on the boardwalk, while the sunsets.

...old friends and new friends who have been loving and supportive through this difficult timeFriends who have allowed me talk, cry, rant and just be me. You know who you are.

...for family who have allowed me land in a soft place, when I didn't know where to turn.

...the ability to provide and have a job that I am happy in.

...waffle cones and ice cream with my daughter.

...being able to now fit into a size 8 dress. So cool.

...for the peaceful home I have,  free from anger, deceit and lies, but filled with prayers, laughter, hope and love.

...good health, and test results that all have come back negative.

...Saturday morning cartoons in bed with the kids.

...last and by no means least, to God, my heavenly Father who has guarded my heart and my mind from bitterness, unforgiveness and to see the good in all around me.


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