attitude of gratitude mondays

Happy Monday to all, and have a brilliant week ahead.  I'm here to share about my wonderful kids once again. They are doing great, having fun and each day has it's own memories of it's own.  They have coped very well with all the changes that have taken place in our household. Of course it's not easy adjusting to changes in ones life when you're still in a single digit age.
But I have to say I am very proud of them and grateful they have helped me be the person I am today.

What are you grateful for at the start of this new week?

So many times I can reflect on what I do not have and what i wish I had. We can feel life would be so much better, if we had this or we had that, and miss out on what is right in front of us.

Take care and stay tuned for more adventures from the Marshall family.



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